A feast for your eyes.
Feather & Fur


You Otter Be in Pictures

Five Rivers is not limited to waterfowl. River otters, foxes, weasels, muskrat. beavers, and mink also enjoy the al fresco environment. Sitting quietly with binoculars and/or cameras at hand, you may have to wait for them to appear, but it will be worth it. Lower your blood pressure without pharmaceutical intervention, Ignore the slings and arrows of political diatribes on the internet. No WiFi to tempt you to connect to the digital world, you might even make eye contact with your companion. But whisper low, those flat surfaces of Five Rivers’ myriad ponds carry the sound for miles. There is a beaver lodge at Beaver Tree Pond, but watch for muskrat on the edge of Goose Pond or Sunfish Pond. And lest we forget, there are raccoons out there too.


You Otter Be in Pictures

Five Rivers is not limited to waterfowl. River otters, foxes, weasels, muskrat. beavers, and mink also enjoy the al fresco environment. Sitting quietly with binoculars and/or cameras at hand, you may have to wait for them to appear, but it will be worth it. Lower your blood pressure without pharmaceutical intervention, Ignore the slings and arrows of political diatribes on the internet. No WiFi to tempt you to connect to the digital world, you might even make eye contact with your companion. But whisper low, those flat surfaces of Five Rivers’ myriad ponds carry the sound for miles. There is a beaver lodge at Beaver Tree Pond, but watch for muskrat on the edge of Goose Pond or Sunfish Pond. And lest we forget, there are raccoons out there too.
©  2019   timotoole.org
Feather & Fur
A feast for your eyes.